What a world we live in. Within an hour of a man shooting students at an Orgeon university we had people demanding new gun control laws. This evening Barrack himself joined the expected chorus and called on people to remove politicians who would support "Common Sense" gun laws.
Do we know anything about the guy who did this: not even his name has been officially released. Do we know what type of gun he used: seems he may have used up to four guns so it would indicate he didn't use a "Assault Rifle." Thus we do not even know what kind of guns to restrict.
But the real revelation we got from this that the Charlie Hebdo shooting didn't occur. That the subsequent shooting at at Jewish grocery store and even the train shooting our off-duty soldiers stopped, didn't happen. The source of this revelation, Barrack Obama. For according to Barrack these kind of mass shootings don't happen in other countries. Barrack also ran through a list of shootings that fit his criteria. One shooting he missed however was Fort Hood, a curious mistake. He also suggested (really ordered) newspapers to post the number of terrorist deaths of americans next to what he obvious means are "plain" gun deaths. Again curious he would say this and miss Fort Hood (oh right Fort Hood was work place violence).
My suggestion is that the newspapers note the homicide rates of these alternative nations (full rates, not just gun rates) and let people see that. I also suggest people read my right up on Australia on my site and see what Barrack doesn't want to tell us. Particularly in this time when Putin is starting a military draft and bombing troops we trained in Syria. what would like to see from Barrack, a certified list of all the reserve small arms we have for our military and thus how many men we could draft in an emergency.
Do we know anything about the guy who did this: not even his name has been officially released. Do we know what type of gun he used: seems he may have used up to four guns so it would indicate he didn't use a "Assault Rifle." Thus we do not even know what kind of guns to restrict.
But the real revelation we got from this that the Charlie Hebdo shooting didn't occur. That the subsequent shooting at at Jewish grocery store and even the train shooting our off-duty soldiers stopped, didn't happen. The source of this revelation, Barrack Obama. For according to Barrack these kind of mass shootings don't happen in other countries. Barrack also ran through a list of shootings that fit his criteria. One shooting he missed however was Fort Hood, a curious mistake. He also suggested (really ordered) newspapers to post the number of terrorist deaths of americans next to what he obvious means are "plain" gun deaths. Again curious he would say this and miss Fort Hood (oh right Fort Hood was work place violence).
My suggestion is that the newspapers note the homicide rates of these alternative nations (full rates, not just gun rates) and let people see that. I also suggest people read my right up on Australia on my site and see what Barrack doesn't want to tell us. Particularly in this time when Putin is starting a military draft and bombing troops we trained in Syria. what would like to see from Barrack, a certified list of all the reserve small arms we have for our military and thus how many men we could draft in an emergency.